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Art Assignments

Art Assignments

Art Assignments

Question Description

WORLDVIEW FORUM 1 (Write at least 250 words)

Three of the “Four Greeks” believed in a god or gods, but one did not. Which of these views fits most closely with how you see the world? Why? Which one fits closest to your view of art? What fits closest to your understanding of Scripture?

WORLDVIEW FORUM 2 (Write at least 250 words)

Why are most Protestant churches today not as fancy or decorated with art as Catholic churches? What would cause the Reformers to embrace iconoclasm? After discussion Protestant iconoclasm, talk about what you prefer in a church and why.

WORLDVIEW FORUM 3 (Write at least 250 words)

There is a lot of disagreement among those who call themselves Christians asto whether Christians should espouse Socialism or Capitalism. Does Capitalism follow Scripture? Why or why not? Back up what you say with specific Scripture. Read Acts 5:3-4 and talk about how it fits with either system. How does each fail when it comes to practical things, like technology, and relationships with others? Can you squeeze art into the conversation? Use Scriptural principles and specific passages to illustrate.

Be sure to read Acts 5:1-10 very carefully before posting to this thread. It holds keys to the Biblical attitude for personal property. It’s true Acts 4:34-35 is often used to suggest they had no personal property, pooling all their money together the way a socialist might, but read the first ten verses of Acts 5 carefully before proceeding.

Do you know of other passages that might be brought into the discussion.

Please also read the following from Adam Clarke in his Commentary on Acts 2:44 –

And had all things common – Perhaps this has not been well understood. At all the public religious feasts in Jerusalem, there was a sort of community of goods. No man at such times hired houses or beds in Jerusalem; all were lent gratis by the owners [see Yoma, fol. 12. Megill. fol. 26]. The same may be well supposed of their ovens, cauldrons, tables, spits, and other utensils. Also, provisions of water were made for them at the public expense [Shekalim, cap. 9. See Lightfoot here]. Therefore a sort of community of goods was no strange thing at Jerusalem, at such times as these. It appears, however, that this community of goods was carried farther; for we are informed, Acts 2:45, that they sold their possessions and their goods, and parted them to all, as every man had need. But, this probably means that, as in consequence of this remarkable outpouring of the Spirit of God; and their conversion, they were detained longer at Jerusalem than they had originally intended, they formed a kind of community for the time being, that none might suffer want on the present occasion; as no doubt the unbelieving Jews, who were mockers, Acts 2:13, would treat these new converts with the most marked disapprobation. That an absolute community of goods never obtained in the Church at Jerusalem, unless for a very short time, is evident from the apostolical precept, 1 Corinthians 16:1, etc., by which collections were ordered to be made for the poor; but, if there had been a community of goods in the Church, there could have been no ground for such recommendations as these, as there could have been no such distinction as rich and poor, if every one, on entering the Church, gave up all his goods to a common stock. Besides, while this sort of community lasted at Jerusalem, it does not appear to have been imperious upon any; persons might or might not thus dispose of their goods, as we learn front the case of Ananias, Acts 5:4. Nor does it appear that what was done at Jerusalem at this time obtained in any other branch of the Christian Church; and in this, and in the fifth chapter, where it is mentioned, it is neither praised nor blamed. We may therefore safely infer, it was something that was done at this time, on this occasion, through some local necessity, which the circumstances of the infant Church at Jerusalem might render expedient for that place and on that occasion only.

WORLDVIEW FORUM 4 (Write at least 250 words)

The “www” used to be fondly known as the World Wide Wait. What if the government offered an unbelievable fiber-optics broadband with the only downside being the governmentis in complete control of it, and will be able to keep track of everything you do on it?

WORLDVIEW FORUM 5 (Write at least 250 words)

Be honest – how addicted to your phone are you? It doesn’t take long in most residential classes for the phones to come out during a lecture, and the halls are dangerous with phone zombies. How addicted are you?

Watch this clip from Simon Sinek before you get started:

WORLDVIEW FORUM 6 (write at least 250 words)

Please watch the “What is Reality” video ( and compare two (2) of the video’s six points given below with the Scriptures underneath (one for each point) or with Scriptures each you’ve found on your own.

WARNING: This video was put together by atheists. Part of the purpose of this exercise is to practice what you’ve learned this term – find elements of truth in what they say and show how their personal bias against God and Scripture causes them to go astray. Theoretical science takes things they believe to be true and interprets them. It is almost always the interpretation of the data that is influenced by personal bias.

  • Information – reality is language, meaning (perception of something relative to something else), and that is made up of where the E8 crystal (below) intersects with 3D
    • Scripture:
      • Genesis 1:1-31
      • Psalm 33:9
      • Isaiah 55:11
      • Ezekiel 12:25a
      • John 1:1-18
  • Causality Loops – future time influences the past, and the past influences the future; all time is affecting all time.
    • Scripture:
      • Hebrews 1:3
      • Isaiah 46:9b-10
      • Job 42:1-2
      • Proverbs 16:4
  • Non-Determinism
    • Scripture:
      • Man’s freewill:
        • Galatians 5:13
        • John 7:17
        • Mark 8:34-35
        • John 3:16
        • 1 John 2:1-6
      • God’s freewill:
        • Proverbs 16:7-9
        • John 15:5,16-17
        • Deuteronomy 10:17-15
  • Consciousness – conscious observer, who is party to choosing what happens
    • Scripture:
      • Isaiah 46:9b-11
      • Psalm 33:13-18
  • Pixelation – reality is divided into planck-length units
  • E8 Crystal – an E8 lattice is formed by these planck units
  • Golden Ratio – (0.618); When the cell-shape of the 8D crystal is projected to 4D it is a 240 vertices shape (the Gosset Polytope); when the Gosset Polytope is projected to 3D it becomes two identical shapes of different sizes, and the difference of those sizes is exactly 0.618.
    • Scripture:
      • John 1:1-3
      • Colossians 1:15-17
      • 1 Corinthians 8:6
      • Psalm 8:1, 3-4
      • Psalm 19:1-6
      • Psalm 139:13-16
      • Romans 1:20
      • Isaiah 40:25-26
      • Nehemiah 9:6
      • Isaiah 45:12
      • Psalm 19:1
      • Psalm 104:5-19
      • Isaiah 40:26
      • 1 Corinthians 14:40


Read the following carefully:

  • Choose a topic.
  • Once you know you have a viable topic, begin to formulate how you intend to approach the subject. Look at the questions and approach for the Research Paper for help with this.
  • Use at least 3 references for your initial thread and at least 1 or 2 for your replies.
  • Choose a topic
    • In this assignment, you will be writing a paper of at least 1,500 words (not counting title and bibliography) on a particular technology of your choice from past to present.
    • You must choose a technology, the impact of which you find interesting, whether or not it is something you have used personally.
    • Special attention must be given to address the impact on religion, region and culture as a result of the technology’s introduction, as well as how the technology has specifically affected art. You must choose a topic that will allow you to discuss art, culture, and technology. You must also be able to discuss how your chosen technology has been used for the good and/or ill of mankind.
    • You must cite at least 5 references in current MLA style if you are a SADA major, or the format of your department otherwise.
    • This topic must be cleared by the instructor so you are sure you have a viable topic that covers all areas. You can post as many times as it takes for your topic to be approved.
  • Once you know you have a viable topic, begin to formulate how you intend to approach the subject.
    • You need to correlate the technology, how and why it sprang from the particular culture, and how that in turn affected the art of the culture.
    • Look in particular at these areas:
      • What particular thing that man does already did the technology enhance?
      • Why would man desire to enhance or change how that particular thing is done?
      • What was happening at the time in that culture that pushed the desire to enhance that particular thing?
      • Were there technologies that had to be invented before this technology was possible?
      • What did this technology make obsolete?
      • What is the innate morality and what is the popular use of this technology?
      • What ideological bias might this technology have?
      • Has the technology been used for good, evil, or both?
      • What are the potential pitfalls of this technology?
      • How does/did this technology affect or change art directly?
      • How does/did this technology affect or change the culture directly?
  • Once you have answered most of these questions to your mind’s confidence (or at least once you see evidence that it is possible to answer these questions), begin to outline how you expect to approach the topic in these elements:
    • The enhancement(s) to what man did/does
    • The historical setting
    • The cultural setting
    • The movement in the direction of this technology
      • Other technological developments prior to your selected technology
      • Possible philosophical/spiritual movements (at least think about them)
      • Implications for good and evil
    • Future of the technology
  • There must be at least 5 sources for your research.

    Steps to a great thread:

    1. Begin with your topic as outlined above.
    2. Research the topic thoroughly. Use the library, and the library search engine by topic. You can also use Google Scholar to find articles or books. Google Books is helpful and JSTOR is particularly helpful for articles when you are on the campus network. JSTOR can be accessed off-campus through EZProxy. Remember, how you cite references differs between books and internet sources. For citation information, visit the Liberty University Online Writing Center. You can also utilize a citation maker online.
    3. Be careful taking information from the internet!
      • Internet sources that do not list their references must be considered suspect and not used for the paper. It is always good research to look up an author’s sources to see if they quoted the information correctly. Wikipedia must not be used as a source.


    Read the following carefully: TOPIC FOR THIS PAPER IS PHOTOSHOP

    Steps to a great paper:

    1. Begin with your topic as outlined above.
    2. Research the topic thoroughly. Use the library, and the library search engine by topic. You can also use Google Scholar to find articles or books. Google Books is helpful and JSTOR is particularly helpful for articles when you are on the campus network. JSTOR can be accessed off-campus through EZProxy. Remember, how you cite references differs between books and internet sources. For citation information, visit the Liberty University Online Writing Center. You can also utilize a citation maker online.
    3. Be careful taking information from the internet!
      • Internet references that do not list their sources must be considered suspect and not used for the paper. It is always good research to look up an author’s sources to see if they quoted information correctly. Wikipedia must not be used as a source.
    4. It greatly helps to write an outline for your paper, giving the main points you wish to cover; include a minimal amount on the technology’s inner workings or production, but cover mainly its influence and use. Be self-critical and ask:
      • Do I spend too much time on information and not enough on analysis?
      • Do I show a logical progression of the technology’s influences and development?
      • What are the religious, philosophical, or political uses?
      • Do I cover where this technology might take us?
      • Your outline must meet the following criteria:


    Choose 1 of the artworks listed below and develop an Analysis Paper of at least 2 pages that describes the techniques and principles of drawing as they are used in the chosen piece.The paper must be in current MLA format and must cite three scholarly references.

    Sir Peter Paul Rubens (Flemish, 1577–1640) Young Woman in Profile (c. 1613) black chalk heightened with white

    Sir Peter Paul Rubens (Flemish, 1577–1640) Lion (c. 1612–1613) black chalk heightened with white, yellow chalk in the background

    Vincent van Gogh (Dutch, 1853–1890) Ploughman in the Fields near Arles (1888) reed pen and brown ink over graphite on wove paper

    The format for the paper must follow the basic guidelines below:

    • Introduction/General Information (tell all pertinent information about the piece, artist, medium, size, subject, art movement, etc.)
    • Brief Description: What is the subject matter? What do you see?
    • Analysis: Describe as best you can the artist’s technique within the piece.
    • Conclusion (your own informed opinion about the work. What you say here must be supported by your analysis above.)



    The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with the ethical implications of the use of data as it related to this course. You must also demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively in writing with your audience.


    • Submit a 3-page analysis of an article that cites an example of unethical behavior as related to corporate or an individual’s behavior in the use of technology/data or unethical manipulation of such. Your analysis should include a summary of the article, your analysis of the ethical problem presented in the article, and how the topic relates to a biblical world view. The ethical problem should be clearly stated. Do not assume that your summary makes the ethical problem self-evident.
    • Article Selection: It is recommended that you choose a topic that is related to your major; however, the topic must incorporate technology. This should be a specific event, not an article such as “Five Ways Companies are Unethical with Data”. Such an article may be a good starting place but will not be sufficient for this assignment. The article will be current – from within the past 3 years. You can likely find an example from as recent as this week/month. As this may be a news article, be sure that you are using a valid source of news. You should find multiple sources reporting the same information to ensure that your assessment of the reporting is accurate. Feel free to cite from these additional sources as well as your main article.
    • Biblical Worldview: You will include at least two biblical references in your analysis.
    • Use APA format, including in-text citations and a reference page.

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